Results for 'Kate Rose Katafiasz'

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  1.  35
    Eye movements reveal a dissociation between memory encoding and retrieval in adults with autism.Rose A. Cooper, Kate C. Plaisted-Grant, Simon Baron-Cohen & Jon S. Simons - 2017 - Cognition 159 (C):127-138.
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    Gillian Rose: A Good Enough Justice.Kate Schick - 2012 - Edinburgh University Press.
    In this book, Kate Schick presents the core themes of Rose's work and locates her ideas within central debates in contemporary social theory, engaging with the works of Benjamin, Honig, iek and Butler. She shows how Rose's speculative perspective brings a different gaze to bear on debates, eschewing well-worn liberal, critical theoretic and post-structural positions. Gillian Rose draws on idiosyncratic readings of thinkers such as Hegel, Adorno and Kierkegaard to underpin her philosophy, negotiating the 'broken middle' (...)
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    The impacts of assumptions on theories of tooth development and evolution at the turn of the nineteenth century.Kate MacCord - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (1):12.
    Throughout the last quarter of the nineteenth century, researchers became increasingly interested in explaining the ways in which mammalian teeth, especially molars, and their complex arrangements of cusps arose along both developmental and evolutionary timescales. By the 1890s, two theories garnered special prominence; the tritubercular theory and the concrescence theory. The tritubercular theory was proposed by Edward Drinker Cope in 1883, and later expanded by Henry Fairfield Osborn in 1888, while the concrescence theory was developed by Carl Röse in 1892. (...)
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    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Matt Ratto & Megan Boler (eds.) - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Today, DIY -- do-it-yourself -- describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and "critical making" that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists in this collection describe DIY citizens whose activities range from activist fan blogging and video production to knitting (...)
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    Diy Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media.Ronald Deibert - 2014 - MIT Press.
    How social media and DIY communities have enabled new forms of political participation that emphasize doing and making rather than passive consumption. Today, DIY—do-it-yourself—describes more than self-taught carpentry. Social media enables DIY citizens to organize and protest in new ways and to repurpose corporate content in order to offer political counternarratives. This book examines the usefulness and limits of DIY citizenship, exploring the diverse forms of political participation and “critical making” that have emerged in recent years. The authors and artists (...)
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  6. Rewriting the self: histories from the Renaissance to the present.Roy Porter (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Routledge.
    Rewriting the Self is an exploration of ideas of the self in the western cultural tradition from the Renaissance to the present. The contributors analyze different religious, philosophical, psychological, political, psychoanalytical and literary models of personal identity from a number of viewpoints, including the history of ideas, contemporary gender politics, and post-modernist literary theory. Challenging the received version of the "ascent of western man," they assess the discursive construction of the self in the light of political, technological and social changes. (...)
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  7. (1 other version)The Politics of Life Itself.Nikolas Rose - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (6):1-30.
    This article explores contemporary biopolitics in the light of Michel Foucault's oft quoted suggestion that contemporary politics calls `life itself' into question. It suggests that recent developments in the life sciences, biomedicine and biotechnology can usefully be analysed along three dimensions. The first concerns logics of control - for contemporary biopolitics is risk politics. The second concerns the regime of truth in the life sciences - for contemporary biopolitics is molecular politics. The third concerns technologies of the self - for (...)
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  8. Teleological Essentialism: Generalized.David Rose & Shaun Nichols - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (3):e12818.
    Natural/social kind essentialism is the view that natural kind categories, both living and non-living natural kinds, as well as social kinds (e.g., race, gender), are essentialized. On this view, artifactual kinds are not essentialized. Our view—teleological essentialism—is that a broad range of categories are essentialized in terms of teleology, including artifacts. Utilizing the same kinds of experiments typically used to provide evidence of essentialist thinking—involving superficial change (study 1), transformation of insides (study 2) and inferences about offspring (study 3)—we find (...)
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  9. Persistence through function preservation.David Rose - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):97-146.
    When do the folk think that material objects persist? Many metaphysicians have wanted a view which fits with folk intuitions, yet there is little agreement about what the folk intuit. I provide a range of empirical evidence which suggests that the folk operate with a teleological view of persistence: the folk tend to intuit that a material object survives alterations when its function is preserved. Given that the folk operate with a teleological view of persistence, I argue for a debunking (...)
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    Molecules and minds: essays on biology and the social order.Steven Peter Russell Rose - 1987 - Philadelphia: Open University Press.
  11.  16
    Hegel contra sociology.Gillian Rose - 1981 - [Atlantic Highlands] N.J.: Humanities Press.
    A radical new assessment of Hegel revealing the problems and limitations of sociological method.
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    Fragments of Many-valued Statement Calculi.Alan Rose & John Barkley Rosser - 1958 - [S.N.].
  13.  79
    Subrecursion: functions and hierarchies.H. E. Rose - 1984 - New York: Oxford University Press.
  14. Mentalizing Objects.David Rose - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy 4.
    We have a mentalistic view of objects. This is due to the interdependence of folk psychology and folk physics, where these are interconnected by what I call Teleological Commingling. When considering events that don’t involve agents, we naturally default to tracking intentions, goal-directed processes, despite the fact that agents aren’t involved. We have a deep-seated intentionality bias which is the result of the pervasive detection of agency cues, such as order or non-randomness. And this gives rise to the Agentive Worldview: (...)
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  15.  50
    Aristotleʼs Syllogistic.Lynn E. Rose - 1968 - Springfield, Ill.,: Thomas.
  16.  56
    Moral Distress Among Healthcare Professionals at a Health System.Rose Allen, Tanya Judkins-Cohn, Raul deVelasco, Edwina Forges, Rosemary Lee, Laurel Clark & Maggie Procunier - 2013 - Jona's Healthcare Law, Ethics, and Regulation 15 (3):111-118.
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    The old, the new, or the old made new? Everyday counter-narratives of the so-called fourth agricultural revolution.David Christian Rose, Anna Barkemeyer, Auvikki de Boon, Catherine Price & Dannielle Roche - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):423-439.
    Prevalent narratives of agricultural innovation predict that we are once again on the cusp of a global agricultural revolution. According to these narratives, this so-called fourth agricultural revolution, or agriculture 4.0, is set to transform current agricultural practices around the world at a quick pace, making use of new sophisticated precision technologies. Often used as a rhetorical device, this narrative has a material effect on the trajectories of an inherently political and normative agricultural transition; with funding, other policy instruments, and (...)
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  18. On the value of economic growth.Julie L. Rose - 2020 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (2):128-153.
    Must a society aim indefinitely for continued economic growth? Proponents of economic growth advance three central challenges to the idea that a society, having attained high levels of income and wealth, may justly cease to pursue further economic growth: if environmentally sustainable and the gains fairly distributed, first, continued economic growth could make everyone within a society and globally, and especially the worst off, progressively better off; second, the pursuit of economic growth spurs ongoing innovation, which enhances people’s opportunities and (...)
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  19. Love, Power and Knowledge; Towards a Feminist Transformation of the Sciences.Hilary Rose - 1997 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 28 (1):205-205.
  20.  38
    Expanding the role of the future zoo: Wellbeing should become the fifth aim for modern zoos.Paul E. Rose & Lisa M. Riley - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Zoos and aquariums have an enormous global reach and hence an ability to craft meaningful conservation action for threatened species, implement educational strategies to encourage human engagement, development and behavior change, and conduct scientific research to enhance the husbandry, roles and impacts of the living collection. The recreational role of the zoo is also vast- people enjoy visiting the zoo and this is often a shared experience amongst family and friends. Evaluating how the zoo influences this “captive audience” and extending (...)
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    Towards Neuroecosociality: Mental Health in Adversity.Nikolas Rose, Rasmus Birk & Nick Manning - 2022 - Theory, Culture and Society 39 (3):121-144.
    Social theory has much to gain from taking up the challenges of conceptualizing ‘mental health’. Such an approach to the stunting of human mental life in conditions of adversity requires us to open up the black box of ‘environment’, and to develop a vitalist biosocial science, informed by and in conversation with the life sciences and the neurosciences. In this paper we draw on both classical and contemporary social theory to begin this task. We explore human inhabitation – how humans (...)
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  22.  30
    Before European Hegemony: The World System, A. D. 1250-1350.Linda Rose & Janet L. Abu-Lughod - 1993 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 113 (1):135.
  23.  43
    The Effects of Compensation Structures and Monetary Rewards on Managers’ Decisions to Blow the Whistle.Jacob M. Rose, Alisa G. Brink & Carolyn Strand Norman - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 150 (3):853-862.
    Recent research indicates that compensation structure can be used by firms to discourage their employees from whistleblowing. We extend the ethics literature by examining how compensation structures and financial rewards work together to influence managers’ decisions to blow the whistle. Results from an experiment indicate that compensation with restricted stock, relative to stock payments that lack restrictions, can enhance the likelihood that managers will blow the whistle when large rewards are available. However, restricted stock can also threaten the effectiveness of (...)
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  24. A theology of failure: Žižek against Christian innocence.Marika Rose - 2019 - New York, NY: Fordham University Press.
    Failing -- Ontology and desire in Dionysius the Areopagite -- Apophatic theology and its vicissitudes -- The death drive: from Freud to Žižek -- The gift and violence -- Divine violence as trauma -- Mystical theology and the four discourses -- Theology as failure.
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  25. (1 other version)Lifelines: Biology Beyond Determinism.Steven Rose - 1999 - Science and Society 63 (1):132-134.
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    Flying Fox: Kin, Keystone, Kontaminant.Deborah Bird Rose - unknown
    A portrait of Australian flying fox life in the Anthropocene illuminates startlingly familiar stories. These animals are participants in most of the major catastrophic events, as well as contestations about rescue, of contemporary life on Earth: warfare, man-made mass death, famine, urbanisation, emerging diseases, climate change, biosecurity, conservation, and local/international NGO aid. They are endangered, and are involved in all four of the major factors causing extinctions: habitat loss, overexploitation, introduced species, and extinction cascades. My account of flying foxes in (...)
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  27. Beyond masculinist realities: A feminist epistemology for the sciences.Hilary Rose - 1986 - In Ruth Bleier, Feminist approaches to science. New York: Pergamon Press. pp. 57--76.
  28.  22
    Why Financial Executives Do Bad Things: The Effects of the Slippery Slope and Tone at the Top on Misreporting Behavior.Anna M. Rose, Jacob M. Rose, Ikseon Suh, Jay Thibodeau, Kristina Linke & Carolyn Strand Norman - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (2):291-309.
    This paper employs theory of normal organizational wrongdoing and investigates the joint effects of management tone and the slippery slope on financial reporting misbehavior. In Study 1, we investigate assumptions about the effects of sliding down the slippery slope and tone at the top on financial executives’ decisions to misreport earnings. Results of Study 1 indicate that executives are willing to engage in misreporting behavior when there is a positive tone set by the Chief Financial Officer, regardless of the presence (...)
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    Evaluating Elizabeth Grosz's Biological Turn.Rose Trappes - 2019 - Hypatia 34 (4):736-754.
    Elizabeth Grosz's interpretation of Darwinian evolutionary theory to ground a feminist ontology of biology has been particularly controversial. Most critics have understood Grosz as supporting her theory with empirical evidence, and they criticize her for being either inaccurate or uncritical of and overly dependent on science. I argue that Grosz reads Darwin as a philosopher in a Deleuzian and Irigarayan sense, and that Grosz's project is therefore better understood in terms of its ethical and political goals rather than in terms (...)
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    Bodin and the great God of nature: the moral and religious universe of a Judaiser.Paul Lawrence Rose - 1980 - Genève: Droz.
  31.  10
    Ideology of/in the natural sciences.Hilary Rose & Steven Peter Russell Rose (eds.) - 1976 - Boston: G. K. Hall.
  32.  52
    (1 other version)Hegel's Theory of Moral Action, its Place in his System and the 'Highest'Right of the Subject.David Rose - 2007 - Cosmos and History 3 (2-3):170-191.
    There is at present, amongst Hegel scholars and in the interpretative discussions of Hegelrsquo;s social and political theories, the flavour of old-style lsquo;apologyrsquo; for his liberal credentials, as though there exists a real need to prove he holds basic liberal views palatable to the hegemonic, contemporary political worldview. Such an approach is no doubt motivated by the need to reconstruct what is left of the modern moral conscience when Hegel has finished discussing the flaws and contradictions of the Kantian model (...)
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  33. Danto on perception.Sam Rose & Bence Nanay - 2022 - In Jonathan Gilmore & Lydia Goehr, Blackwell Companion to Arthur Danto. Blackwell. pp. 92-101.
    Jerry Fodor wrote the following assessment of Danto’s importance in 1993: “Danto has done something I’ve been very much wanting to do: namely, reconsider some hard problems in aesthetics in the light of the past 20 years or so of philosophical work on intentionality and representation” (Fodor 1993, p. 41). Fodor is absolutely right: some of Danto’s work could be thought of as the application of some influential ideas about perception that Fodor also shared. The problem is that these ideas (...)
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  34. Birth Fathers: Unequal Power and Myth in the Terry Achance Case.Rose Mary Volbrecht - 2014 - Pediatric Nursing 40 (Mar/Apr):99-102.
    In the Terry Achane case, a birth father who was in the military was not notified when his child's birth mother put up their child for adoption. Birth fathers are often stereotyped as uninvolved and irresponsible, especially when they are not married to the birth mother. Terry Achane was married. The adoption agency made little effort to contact him, raising ethical issues about the roles played by the race, economic status, and perhaps religious beliefs of the adopting parents.
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    Commentary on Marmodoro.Rose Cherubin - 2017 - Proceedings of the Boston Area Colloquium of Ancient Philosophy 32 (1):25-37.
    This paper comments on Anna Marmodoro’s “Stoic Blends.” That essay argues that the “Eleatic Principle” is central to Stoic conceptions of what is. It also investigates a key difference between Stoic and Aristotelian conceptions of the roles of form and matter in constituting what is: the Stoics’ insistence that form and matter are bodies, and their concomitant assertion that more than one independent body can occupy the exact same place. The present comment explores the relationships between the “Eleatic Principle,” the (...)
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    Aristotle's syllogistic and the fourth figure.Lynn E. Rose - 1965 - Mind 74 (295):382-389.
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    Myth and Ritual in Classical Civilisation.H. J. Rose - 1950 - Mnemosyne 3 (4):281-287.
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    Mythology Condensed.H. J. Rose - 1953 - The Classical Review 3 (01):34-.
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  39. Assembling the modern self.Nikolas Rose - 1997 - In Roy Porter, Rewriting the self: histories from the Renaissance to the present. New York: Routledge.
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    The intellectual virtues according to the philosophy of St. Thomas.Rose Emmanuella Brennan - 1941 - Washington, D.C.,: The Catholic University of America.
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    Improvement in recall on unreinforced recall trials.Rose Greenbloom & Gregory A. Kimble - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (1):159.
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    The Absence of Slavery in the Golden Age: Cynic and Stoic Perspectives.Rose MacLean - 2020 - American Journal of Philology 141 (2):147-177.
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    Pride Before a Fall: Shame, Diagnostic Crossover, and Eating Disorders.Rose Mortimer - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):365-374.
    This paper discusses the findings of qualitative research that examined the accounts of five “mostly recovered” ex-patients who had experienced transition between two or more eating disorder diagnoses. This study found that, in the minds of participants, the different diagnostic labels were associated with various good or bad character traits. This contributed to the belief in a diagnostic hierarchy, whereby individuals diagnosed with anorexia nervosa were viewed as morally better than those diagnosed with bulimia nervosa or binge eating disorder. Consequently, (...)
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    (1 other version)A Note on the Existence of Tautologies in Certain Propositional Calculi Without Propositional Variables.Alan Rose - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):117-118.
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    (2 other versions)Applications of logical computers to the construction of electrical control tables for signalling frames.Alan Rose - 1958 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 4 (12‐16):222-243.
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    (1 other version)A Strongly Complete Formalisation of a 5‐Valued Propositional Calculus.Alan Rose - 1987 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 33 (3):243-244.
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    A Short History of Religions. E. E. Kellett. Pp. 607. London: Victor Gollancz, 1933. Cloth, 5s.H. J. Rose - 1934 - The Classical Review 48 (02):90-.
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    (1 other version)A Three‐Valued Model for Set Theory.Alan Rose - 1978 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 24 (25‐30):437-440.
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    An Unrecognized Fragment of Hyginus, Fabvlae.H. J. Rose - 1929 - Classical Quarterly 23 (2):96-99.
    That a considerable fragment of the Fabulae of Hyginus—whoever Hyginus may have been and whenever he lived—exists in a Greek translation in the Hermeneumata Leidensia is well known to all students of his work. Indeed, this extract furnishes the terminus ante quem for Hyginus’ date in its opening words; I cite it as accented and punctuated by Schmidt : Maξμѱ ka “Aπρ v´πáτoιs πρò у εδν ΣεπTεμβρων ‘Ỵуνoυ уενεaλoуaν πâσιν уνωστν μετуραΨα, ν σoνται π λεoν στoρατ δτερμνευνατ ν τoτ τ (...)
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  50. Boulder, Colorado, 1983.Richard Rose - 2003 - Rose Publications.
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